Fourth Set of Childhood Cancer and Structural Birth Defect Patient Cohorts for Whole Genome Sequencing Selected-title-h1

Fourth Set of Childhood Cancer and Structural Birth Defect Patient Cohorts for Whole Genome Sequencing Selected

Study Updates
October 2, 2018

The NIH Common Fund’s Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program (Kids First) is pleased to announce the selection of the fourth set of childhood cancer and structural birth defect patient cohorts for whole genome sequencing. These patient cohorts will add to the number and diversity of conditions represented by the program.

Collectively, these pediatric patient cohorts will contribute to the newly launched Kids First Data Resource Portal, where researchers can access large-scale datasets of whole genome sequence and clinical data. The data resource will allow scientists to identify genetic pathways that underlie these conditions and to explore whether shared genetic pathways exist between childhood cancer and structural birth defects. The research enabled by the Kids First program is anticipated to accelerate the development of new diagnostics and therapies that will improve the lives of the children and families impacted by these conditions.

Applications to select cohorts were reviewed by a panel of external scientific experts. The selected cohorts address the following conditions:

To learn more about the 2018 patient cohorts, click here The Kids First program will call for applications to support whole genome sequencing of additional childhood cancer and structural birth defect cohorts in fiscal year 2019, pending availability of funds.

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