Data Access
Data provided through the Kids First Data Resource Portal is per our ideals & strategy surrounding data sharing, the portal strives to make data as accessible as possible. With that, access has been bucketed into three tiers:
Open Access Tier
The Open Access Tier is accessible by all visitors to the Kids First DRC website and provides summary counts of the data available in the Kids First Data Resource Portal.
Registered Access Tier
The Kids First Tier is available to the public, and anyone can register with one of our authentication partners. This will provide secure access to the Portal while still making it available to everyone.
Controlled Access Tier
The Controlled Access Tier requires appropriate data access committee approval to allow users to view and use data in accordance with NIH guidelines.
Searching the Data
The File Repository is the primary method of searching for and accessing data in the Kids First Data Portal. It provides an overview of all participants, biospecimens, associated phenotypic and clinical data, and available genomic data. Kids First offers users a variety of filters for identifying and browsing the rich datasets. More complex facet searching is also available to apply detailed criteria in order to build and an examine a custom cohort. Queries can be saved to a user’s profile for later reference or even shared on social media to collaborate with the research community. Once the appropriate dbGaP approvals have been obtained, users can push the genomic data to Cavatica, Kids First’s cloud-based analytics environment or download the data directly from the File Repository.
CAVATICA is a data analysis and sharing platform designed to accelerate discovery in a scalable, cloud-based compute environment where data, results, and workflows are shared among the world’s research community. CAVATICA and its partners continuously seek to find ways to collaborate, share, interoperate, and connect with any and all other data platforms in order to empower data across diseases, ages and geography supporting researchers and patients across the United States and throughout the world.
The portal integrates with CAVATICA via mechanisms to approve access and push genomic files of interest from the Portal to Cavatica. Here, researchers and bioinformaticians can create their own or use existing workflows to further analyze the datasets.
Gen3 is an open source Data Commons framework supporting a number of large-scale NIH- and non-NIH Commons including the NCI’s Genomic Data Commons, NHLBI’s Data Stage, the NIH Data Commons Pilot, Bionimbus, and the BloodPAC Data Commons. As such, Gen3 services and APIs support the Kids First Data Resource Center by providing digital object services, authentication, and authorization that allow interoperability between existing and future data commons that use the same standards. By using Gen3, the DRC provides the ability for users to connect and integrate their eRA commons accounts via the Portal. This allows secure and seamless access to the datasets via all components of the DRC. For example, Cavatica also utilizes the user’s Gen3 integration to ensure user’s are only performing workflows and analysis on their authorized data.
In the portal, users can connect & integrate their eRA commons accounts with Gen3. Doing so will allow the Portal to authenticate and authorize the user to access only datasets for which they have been granted access by dbGaP. This helps ensure controlled access data is kept secure. Cavatica also utilizes the user’s Gen3 integration to ensure user’s are only performing workflows and analysis on their authorized data.
About Gen3 Gen3 on Github